The Power of Word of Mouth Marketing

    Author: Rafif Amir Genre: »

    Judul : The Power of Word of Mouth Marketing
    Penulis : Sumardy dkk
    Penerbit : Gramedia
    Cetakan : 2, 2011
    Tebal : 242 Halaman

    Daftar Isi :
    1. Petunjuk dari Tuhan untuk Para Pemasar
    2. Advertising vs Womm
    3. Word of Mouth Marketing
    4. Womm-T Customer do the Talking
    5. Womm-P Customer do the Promoting
    6. Womm-S Customer do the Selling
    7. Mencintai Negative Word of Mouth
    8. Mengubah NWOM menjadi PWOM

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